Arrival Of The King Of Knights

Arrived today on her motored cuirassier. After four months of wait the King of Knights is finally here.

I want to introduce you the newest addition to my family – a PVC figure from Good Smile Company, Fate/Zero Saber & Saber Motored Cuirassier.

Today the big box from Tokyo Otaku Mode was waiting for me at the office. I was really surprised by the size of the box – I expected a big box, but not that big!

Here you can see the box with my 60cm girl – Kizuna (she just couldn’t miss the occasion to help and to appear on some of the photos).

The actual figure box was only slightly smaller than the outer box.

The box itself is one of the ones you would never want to throw away. It sets the expectations pretty high.

First look at Saber – she’s gorgeous, even through all the packaging.

Front view of the inner box.

And the back view.

How nice of them to attach the manual – I was less afraid when putting the figure together.

The view getting more clear.

The foot pegs need to be attached separately.

I love the base! It really adds to the overall impression.

The Excalibur. Exactly as I expected. Although I was afraid it may look cheap, it definitely does not.

I love her attitude here so much! So much dynamics in this pose.

The motorbike is a piece of the art itself! I was really amazed by how real it looked. At the wheel are real rubber!

The seat is a soft rubber too. Like the real one.

Another thing that impressed me was the steerable front wheel. It can really move, like in a real motorbike toy!

Here it is turned right…

… and here to the left.

And finally the King of Knights in all her glory!

Do you know who was waiting all this time?

Looks like they finally met.

I must admit I am really relieved that they fit to each other by their scale and size. I was afraid they would be somehow off, but they look perfect together.

I’m so happy seeing my favorite couple together and all ready for a glorious fight!

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Spring photography

Last weekend I took Kiz to the backyard to take some spring photos. Kiz took her own Sony Alpha, because she had wanted to take some photos herself.

I barely manage to make her pose to the camera a few times – most of the time she was busy taking photos and trying to get the best shot.

We started with my mum’s favourite tulips. Kiz had to hold them with her her, because the wind was so strong it was hardly possible to set the right focus.

Kiz is pretty focused on her job.

It seems I disturbed her while she was taking a photo of the cherry blossom.

Checking the picture just made.

And here it is. Do you think she did a good job? 🙂

Finally she agreed to pose for me, but I still felt the vibe of “hurry up or the light is gone” from her 😉

And here is a little bonus picture – this is how we managed to take those shots. We used a little help of Kizuna’s stand, which can be attached to any standard photo tripod.

Check all the photos in our little gallery.

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Let’s Start Spring With The Little Wolf Riding Hood!

Wilczy Kapturek

Spring at last! After cold and rainy March, last weekend we finally had a wonderful weather here. I couldn’t missed that chance, so I took Wolfy for her first outdoor photo shoot.

Let’s start this spring together!

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It’s Been Two Years! – Kizuna’s Birthday

Today it’s been two years since Kizuna arrived to my home and started this whole dolly adventure.
On this occasion let’s go back to that day and to some never published pictures of the box opening.

Seeing this box in person was a great experience of its own.

After opening the box, there was a famous paper bag with a portrait of Kizuna, and an attached character card.

A view known from many photos and videos – finally in person!

This is how she looked taken out from her box. I still remember what a strange sensation it was to unbend her knees for the first time – they were so stiff and squeaky, that it felt unnatural to move them.

The first look into her eyes – priceless! I remember how fascinated I was by the depth of her eyes. And how I couldn’t believe that the face I had used to see only on the distant online pictures is finally mine.
It was literally a dream coming true.

I had to test whether she could stand on her own – and she could 🙂

Her clothes, wig and stand.

And unpacked. The jeans seemed so huge!

The shoes like the real ones!

I loved the wig in person.

It took ages to put her jeans on for the first time. New jeans were like a new jeans – very hard to put on one’s butt and even harder to button up 😉

Her first decent portrait 🙂

Finally, the mandatory “take me home” picture. I have totally forgoten that I had taken it.

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The Violinist

The Violinist - Angelica

My day-dreaming doll Angelica just in time for the Valentine’s Day.

This photo shoot is very special for me for various reasons.

One of them is my constant struggle to bond with Angelica. I recognize her beauty, but I just cannot feel the bond like with my other dolls. I still haven’t discovered her true nature, but I think this session has brought me one step closer to this.

The other reason is the color balance and temperature I used here. In most of my photos I tent to use natural color balance, where the white is white. This time I thought that the natural colors looked boring and somehow cold – I wanted this shoots of Angelica to look warm and not too usual. I decided to use different color balance and the result is really satisfactory.

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For The Good Start

Christmas present - Mariko

Greetings in the New Year!

The coming year promises to be quite interesting and intensive in some more or less doll-related topics. Therefore, some changes will definitely happen – and the creation of this blog is one of them.

As many collectors at some stage of their activity, so I felt the need to have my own blog. I wanted to have all the information about my collection – a catalog of dolls, their descriptions and history, as well as a description of current and future projects – gathered in one place and organized. Until now all of this was scattered on various boards and Facebook, but used to got lost among other posts.

In the first few entries I want to introduce my vinyl&resin crew. The list starts with the little one, who – being the youngest member of the family – will get her dedicated entry at the very end. Maybe until then she decides to tell me her name 🙂 In the meantime, she brings us the recent memories of the Christmas atmosphere.



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